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Say no to dirty bags!

Tired of Crumbs and dirt in your purse or Bag ? The Clean Ball (Sauberkugel) was designed to solve just this problem

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How The Clean Ball Works For You

Dirty Ball?

Toss it in your bag, soon enough it will roll around and grab all the crumbs and dirt

Open up inner Ball to Clean

Just squeeze the sides to pop open the outer shell

Rinse and Repeat

Run the inner sticky ball under water to wash off all the crumbs.

A Message From The Inventors

"We developed the SAUBERKUGEL to keep our bags clean and to easily remove the annoying cookie crumbs, dust and fluff without having to empty the bag every time. When we first started developing it, it was important to us that it be reusable and easy to clean. We also wanted to make it in Germany to make sure it didn't contain any toxic substances. For the outer sphere we have chosen honeycomb cells like in the beehive (also called wax cells) which have the maximum stability and at the same time allow the largest openings for the dirt to get through. The inner sphere was one of the biggest challenges - believe it or not, but making a reasonably round sphere that is soft, sticky, washable and reusable seemed almost impossible!"

~ Susanne and Bernd ~

Any purse, any bag

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